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    Top tips for energy efficiency and saving money this winter

    As the energy crisis continues to affect homeowners across the UK, saving energy and money this winter is more important than ever. That’s why we’ve put together this guide with some top tips to help you improve your energy efficiency, reduce waste, and save money. So, you can stay warm and use your hot water without stress or worry about your bills.


    How to save energy and money during the winter season 

    Turn your radiators down in rooms you aren’t using 

    You likely don’t use every room in your home at all times, and by evaluating which rooms you use the least and keeping the radiator valves at a lower temperature setting, you can reduce energy waste and save money. In fact, this simple change could save you up to £50 a year! 

    However, keep in mind that turning off the radiators completely in rooms you aren’t using is not as energy efficient. This is because your boiler would have to work harder to maintain the temperature of a room you are heating compared to if you had the radiators at a lower temperature. In addition, having your radiators turned off in certain rooms can lead to problems with mould and damp.  

    If you have any problems with your radiators or central heating system and your engineer needs replacement parts, you can order heating spares online from NBS and get fast, dependable delivery.

    Set your washing machine to a lower temperature 

    In the past, washing machines needed to be set a higher temperatures to ensure your clothes were cleaned properly. However, modern washing machines are highly effective at making clothes clean and fresh at lower temperatures, which will save you energy. Just by changing the temperature from 40C to 30C, you could complete 3 cycles instead of 2, using the same amount of energy, depending on the make and model of your machine. This change to how you wash your clothes could save you up to £20 a year.

    Use your tumble dryer less frequently 

    Tumble dryers are a popular appliance for many homeowners, especially in the winter when the weather reduces your ability to hang your washing up outside. However, they have proven to be some of the most energy-intensive appliances in the home. You can ensure you aren’t using your dryer as frequently by only putting in full loads (roughly three quarters of the drum).  

    Equally, you could use a clothes airer to dry your clothes, as long as you have a window open for ventilation if drying inside. Also, it’s important not to overload the dryer as this will extend the drying time and use more energy. Reducing your tumble dryer use could save up to £50 a year.

    Take shorter showers 

    There has been a lot of discussion and promotion for this recently, especially from United Utilities who have released TV and radio adverts encouraging homeowners to reduce their time in the shower. Research has found that lowering your shower time to 4 minutes will allow you to make a saving in both water and energy. If you have a water metre, you can save money on your water bill as well as your energy bill. Less time in the shower could help you save up to £40 a year.

    Turn off your appliances at the socket 

    Nearly all electrical appliances in your home, including smart devices, video game consoles, and TVs continue to use power when they’re turned off from the device, unless they are unplugged. Getting into the habit of turning off your devices at the plug socket or unplugging them completely can help you save up to £50 a year on your electricity bill.

    Make sure your boiler is in full working order 

    Your boiler has to work harder in the winter months to meet the increased demands for heating and hot water. Therefore, it’s vital to make sure that there are no issues with your boiler ahead of the cold weather, as you don’t want to end up without heating at any point.  

    You can do this by getting your boiler regular serviced every year by an experienced engineer. They will be able to identify any potential issues in advance and repair them with the appropriate replacement UK boiler parts if needed.



    Following these energy saving tips could help you save a significant amount of money every year on your bills. As boiler spare parts suppliers, NBS can provide the exact part you need for your boiler make and model at an affordable price. Shop online to find the part you need with fast delivery direct to your door, and please get in touch if you have any questions.